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Three major A-share indexes rose consumer sectors such as spirits and small household appliances rebounded [stock market closed]

iconOct 13, 2021 15:12

Today, the two cities gradually rebounded in the afternoon, the gem index rose more than 2%, liquor, banks, brokerage plates pulled up, driving the Shanghai 50 index up more than 1%, the Prev successfully turned red. The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets shrank significantly, with a turnover of less than 890 billion yuan. Education stocks were strong throughout the day, with many stocks blocking the daily limit; consumer sectors such as spirits and small household appliances warmed up, Guizhou Moutai rose more than 3%, and stock prices returned to the 1900 yuan mark; new energy vehicles, photovoltaic, lithium electricity and other plates rebounded, and the direction of technology such as semiconductors also rose. Oil and gas, natural gas, coal, electricity and other resources fell sharply, individual stocks fell by the limit. On the disk, education, HIT batteries, beverage manufacturing, automobiles and other sectors rose in the forefront, oil and gas mining, coal, gas, electricity and other sectors led the decline. By the close, the Prev index was up 0.42%, the Shenzhen Composite Index was up 1.54%, and the gem index was up 2.29%.

For the future market trend, institutions have expressed their views.

Haitong Securities pointed out that the recent sudden contraction and fall in the market, most of which are dominated by factors such as mood, as long as pessimism alleviates, the market may re-emerge opportunities. The third quarterly report has officially kicked off, and there are signs of loosening coordination in terms of policy. when it plummets, it is not a time of pessimism, but a time to consider appropriate low suction, especially when there have been more adjustments but a big increase in performance expectations. At the same time, we can also pay moderate attention to the low value stocks. In operation, it is appropriate to see more and move less, and wait for the layout of bargain after the market bottoms out.

China International Capital Corporation reported that the market value of the auto parts sector outperformed that of the passenger car sector in 2021, and valuations were relatively stagnant, mainly due to two major concerns in the market about the spare parts industry: the pressure on profits caused by rising commodities and freight charges, and the lower-than-expected production due to the global shortage of chips. The current stock price has reflected the above bearish, looking ahead, with commodity prices, freight rates falling, chip supply improvement and other marginal benefits appear, the corresponding bid share price is expected to recover. It is suggested that we should pay attention to the investment opportunities of parts and components plate: lightweight plate with relatively high proportion of raw materials, parts manufacturers with high export share, and mass industry chain with large replenishment space.

Central Plains Securities pointed out that the A-share market opened low on Tuesday, fluctuated downward, and fell across the board overnight, dragging down stock indexes of the two markets in early trading, and early hot industries such as energy, power and cyclical industries fell one after another. Prev hit a recent low of 3515 points in intraday trading, and the stock index was supported near the half-yearly line in late trading, and the Prev basically showed a significant downward operation throughout the day. The Prev index rebounded weakly after the festival, showing the adjustment trend again, the market lacked core leading hot spots, the trading volume of the two cities shrank step by step, the market wait-and-see mood was heavy, and the possibility of continuing to test the annual line support in the future could not be ruled out. It is suggested that investors should pay close attention to the changes in policy and capital. It is expected that the Prev short-term small shock is more likely, the gem short-term small downward may be greater. We suggest that investors wait and see in the short term and continue to pay attention to the investment opportunities of undervalued blue chips in the middle line.

Stock market
ups and downs
capital flows

For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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